Julyherb Natural raw material Garcinia cambogia Rattan yellow fruit extract powder



Julyherb Natural raw material Garcinia cambogia Rattan yellow fruit extract powder

Basic information

Product Name: Raw material Garcinia cambogia extract powder
CAS No: 90045-23-1


Health Food
Appearance: Off-white powder
Cultivation method: artificial planting
Place of Origin: Shaanxi, China
Specification: 50%60%hydroxycitric acid
Shelf Life:: 24 Months


Sample displayGarcinia cambogia extract powder Concentrate

Garcinia cambogia extract is extracted from the peel of garcinia genus, and its active component is HCA(hydroxycitric acid). Containing hydroxycitric acid, glucose, inulin, aloe vera powder, starch, etc. Hydroxycitric acid is soluble in water, slightly soluble in methanol, but insoluble in chloroform, petroleum ether and benzene. The molecular formula is C6H8O8 and the relative molecular weight is 208.12. Garcinia cambogia is a small or medium-sized fruit tree in the garcinia family known by the scientific name GarciniaCambogia. The fruit is similar to pumpkin, often with several vertical furrows. Also called Tamarind fruit, Malabar Tamarind. Garcinia is an evergreen tree or shrub found in tropical Asia, Africa and Polynesia.Garcinia cambogia extract powder


Julyherb Natural raw material Garcinia cambogia Rattan yellow fruit extract powder

1.Garcinia cambogia extract powder can be used as a nutritional supplement.
2.Garcinia cambogia extract powder can be used as a raw material.
3.Garcinia cambogia extract powder can be used for biochemical research. Garcinia cambogia extract powderGarcinia cambogia extract powder