Julyherb factory supply Stephania japonica extract Stephanine 98% Cephalomannine



Julyherb stock on hand powder Cephalomannine 98%

Basic information

Name: Julyherb stock on hand powder Cephalomannine 98%
Synonyms: Cepharanthine;Stephanine;Cepharanthin
CAS: 481-49-2
Molecular Formula: C37H38N5O6
Molecular Weight: 606.71
Apperance: White crystalline powder
Application:  Health care raw materials
Assay:  98% min

Cepharanthine is extracted from the roots of endemic plant in Yunnan provence, Stephania japonica (Thunb.) Miers.. Cepharanthine can increase the number of peripheral blood leukocytes and promote bone marrow tissue hyperplasia, being mainly used to cure leukocytes decreasing and lacking caused by cancer chemotherapy and other factors. Now it is used in the treatment of thrombocytopenic purpura.

It is convenient to dose for inhibition of pulmonary fibrosis without significant adverse reactions.

Sample display



Julyherb stock on hand powder Cephalomannine 98%

1. Cephalomannine can is used for promoting bone marrow tissue hyperplasia

2. Cephalomannine can is used for treating leukocytes decrease and lack caused by cancer chemotherapy and other factors

3. Cephalomannine can is used for treating thrombocytopenic purpura

4. Cephalomannine can is used for inhibiting pulmonary fibrosis without significant adverse reactions


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