Salicylic Acid

Salicylic Acid – Properties

This product is white fine needle crystal or white crystalline powder; odorless or almost odorless; aqueous solution shows acidic reaction. This product is easily soluble in ethanol or ether, soluble in boiling water, slightly soluble in trifluoromethane, slightly soluble in water.

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Introduction to Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid, also known as salicylic acid, is a white crystalline powder, odorless, with a slightly bitter taste and then pungent taste. It exists in willow bark, white pearl leaves and sweet birch in nature. Chemical formula C6H4(OH)(COOH), melting point 157-159℃, gradually changes color under light. The relative density is 1.44. The boiling point is about 211°C/2.67kPa. Sublimation at 76°C. Under normal pressure, it can be decomposed into phenol and carbon dioxide by rapid heating. Soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform, benzene, acetone, turpentine, not easily soluble in water. 1g of salicylic acid can be dissolved in 460ml of water, 15ml of boiling water, 2.7ml of ethanol, 3ml of acetone, 3ml of ether, 42ml of chloroform, 135ml of benzene, 52ml of turpentine, about 60ml of glycerin and 80ml of petroleum ether. Adding sodium phosphate, borax, etc. can increase the solubility of salicylic acid in water. The pH of aqueous salicylic acid solution is 2.4. Salicylic acid and ferric chloride aqueous solution produce a special purple color.
You may not have heard of salicylic acid, but you must be familiar with aspirin. In fact, aspirin is a derivative of salicylic acid.In addition to the synthetic salicylic acid in some drugs, natural salicylic acid is also rich in many foods, such as many fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, nuts, spices and honey. These natural salicylic acids are plant A means of self-defense against pests, fungi and diseases.However, salicylic acid, whether natural or synthetic, can cause adverse reactions in some people.Salicylate intolerance is often related to the medications you take, since medications like aspirin contain higher amounts of salicylates compared to food. For example, dietary intake of salicylic acid is typically 10-200 mg per day, compared to 325-650 mg for a dose of aspirin.Studies have found that aspirin increases the risk of gastrointestinal disease.

Salicylic Acid – Compared with AHAs for Cosmetic Effects

Salicylic acid (BHA) is extracted from willow bark and holly leaves, also known as vegetable acid; fruit acid (AHA) is extracted from sugarcane; it is an acid extracted from two different raw materials. Both can control oil, exfoliate, clear acne, shrink pores, and fade away blemishes. A fruit acid peel with a concentration of more than 50% can only be operated by a dermatologist, while a salicylic acid peel is classified as a medical treatment regardless of the concentration. It is worth noting that a few people are not suitable for using any concentration of water. Salicylic acid, so general beauty salons cannot implement it. It is legally allowed to perform skin peeling with a concentration of fruit acid below 40% in beauty salons. In comparison, fruit acid is much safer than salicylic acid. As for the effect, salicylic acid is only locked in the superficial stratum corneum, it only plays a role of simple treatment and blocking, and the change of skin texture is only temporary, while fruit acid enters the dermis to fundamentally change the skin texture, which can be cured. Yes, as for the acne pits formed by the damaged dermis, the effect of salicylic acid is powerless, so salicylic acid cannot be called “salicylic acid peeling”, it can only be called “salicylic acid treatment”. The safety and effect of salicylic acid peeling and fruit acid peeling are different, because fruit acid is non-toxic and can be used from low to high (8% -15% -20% -30% -40% ), slowly adapting to it will not cause skin burns, disfigurement or any side effects. And salicylic acid is toxic, too high concentration is not suitable for use on the face, there is a certain concentration limit, salicylic acid with a concentration of 3%-6% can be used for exfoliation, higher than 6% Corrosive to the skin, a high concentration of 40% salicylic acid has strong keratin corrosive properties.

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What does salicylic acid do?

According to the regulations of the State Food and Drug Administration (CFDA), the upper limit of the concentration of cosmetics is 2%. It has been proven that 0.5%-2% salicylic acid is relatively safe for acne treatment. It is not recommended that you seek products with higher concentration. This concentration is enough to be effective.
Salicylic acid can dissolve the cement between the cuticles and make the cuticles fall off, so it can remove the thick cuticles and promote metabolism.
Skin metabolism: The main function of the stratum corneum of the skin is to protect the cells of each layer of the skin. The metabolism of the epidermal cells layer by layer will naturally move outward. Natural crumbs. Old keratin that does not fall off normally will make the skin appear rough and dull, slow down the skin metabolism rate, and even form acne to block pores.
The effect of exfoliation: Salicylic acid can remove excess cuticle, and at the same time promote the rapid renewal of epidermal cells; if the epidermal cells are fresh and young cells full of vitality, it will naturally restore smooth and delicate skin.
Shrink pores: Salicylic acid is fat-soluble, and can penetrate into the deep layer of pores along the sebaceous glands that secrete oil, which is beneficial to dissolve the old accumulated cuticles in pores and improve the situation of blocked pores, so it can block the formation of acne and shrink it Stretched pores.
Prevention of acne: Salicylic acid acts on the cells of the hair follicle wall, which can help remove blocked hair follicles and correct abnormal cell shedding. It can prevent pore blockage for minor acne and is most effective for blackheads. It can reduce hair follicle wall Abnormal exfoliation, prevents new lesions, but has no effect on reducing sebum secretion and eradicating acne bacilli.
The function of salicylic acid is to clean up the aging cutin, making the skin look more delicate, and less prone to acne.