What is different Quercetin Anhydrous and Quercetin dihydrate

What is Quercetin dihydrate?

Extracted from the Sophora japonica flower, quercetin is a flavonoid (and more specifically flavonol), a pigment of the colour of flowers, fruits and vegetables. It’s reported to it helps to stimulate the immune response and regulate excessive inflammation. It works also at the mitochondrial level.

Quercetin is a flavonol that we can find in plants, and it belongs to the flavonoid group of polyphenols. We can find this flavonol in many fruits, vegetables, leaves, seeds, and grains. For example, capers, radish leaves, red onion and kale are the most common food sources consisting of an appreciable amount of quercetin. This substance has a bitter flavour and is useful in dietary supplements, beverages, and food as an ingredient.

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The chemical formula for quercetin is C15H10O7. Therefore, we can calculate the molar mass of this compound as 302.23 g/mol. It usually occurs as a yellow crystalline powder. Practically, this powder is insoluble in water. But it is soluble in alkaline solutions.

What is Quercetin Dihydrate?

Quercetin dihydrate is a chemical compound having the chemical formula C15H14O9. This substance is commonly found in quercetin supplements. It has the highest bioavailability among other ingredients. This substance also assures a better absorption of the supplement. However, it costs more than other supplement forms due to this quality of high absorption. Additionally, we can also buy pure quercetin dihydrate powder as desired. The powdered forms are suitable if we prefer drinking a smoothie over swallowing pills or in order to avoid the digestion of the cellulose capsule material. The powdered form of quercetin dihydrate appears in a bright yellow colour.

Quercetin Anhydrous vs Quercetin Dihydrate

Most of the quercetin ingredients on the market are in the quercetin dihydrate form. Quercetin anhydrous and dihydrate differ in the amount of water they contain. Quercetin anhydrous contains only 1% to 4% moisture and the sugar molecules that are attached to quercetin in its natural form have been extracted. This translates into 13% more quercetin per gram for quercetin anhydrous vs quercetin dihydrate. For formula manufacturers, this means there is

Quercetin (1)

Health benefits of quercetin

Research has linked quercetin’s antioxidant properties to various potential health benefits.
Here are some of its top science-based benefits:

  • May have anticancer effects

Because quercetin has antioxidant properties, it may have cancer-fighting properties .
In a review of test-tube and animal studies, quercetin was found to suppress cell growth and induce cell death in prostate cancer cells .
Other test-tube and animal studies observed that the compound had similar effects in liver, lung, breast, bladder, blood, colon, ovarian, lymphoid, and adrenal cancer cells .
Though these findings are promising, human studies are needed before quercetin can be recommended as an alternative treatment for cancer.

  • May reduce inflammation

Free radicals may do more than simply damage your cells.
Research shows that high levels of free radicals may help activate genes that promote inflammation. Thus, high levels of free radicals may lead to an increased inflammatory response .
While a little inflammation is necessary to help your body heal and fight infections, persistent inflammation is linked to health problems, including certain cancers, as well as heart and kidney diseases .
Studies show that quercetin may help reduce inflammation.
In test-tube studies, quercetin reduced markers of inflammation in human cells, including the molecules tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interleukin-6 (IL-6).
An 8-week study in 50 women with rheumatoid arthritis observed that participants who took 500 mg of quercetin experienced significantly reduced early morning stiffness, morning pain, and after-activity pain .
They also had reduced markers of inflammation, such as TNFα, compared to those who received a placebo .
While these findings are promising, more human research is needed to understand the compound’s potential anti-inflammatory properties.

  • May ease allergy symptoms

Quercetin’s potential anti-inflammatory properties may provide allergy symptom relief.
Test-tube and animal studies found that it may block enzymes involved in inflammation and suppress inflammation-promoting chemicals, such as histamine .
For example, one study showed that taking quercetin supplements suppressed peanut-related anaphylactic reactions in mice .
Still, it’s unclear whether the compound has the same effect on allergies in humans, so more research is needed before it can be recommended as an alternative treatment.

  • May lower your risk of chronic brain disorders

Research suggests that quercetin’s antioxidant properties may help protect against degenerative brain disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia .
In one study, mice with Alzheimer’s disease received quercetin injections every 2 days for 3 months.
By the end of the study, the injections had reversed several markers of Alzheimer’s, and the mice performed much better on learning tests .
In another study, a quercetin-rich diet reduced markers of Alzheimer’s disease and improved brain function in mice at the early middle stage of the condition.
However, the diet had little to no effect on animals with middle-late stage Alzheimer’s .
Coffee is a popular beverage that has been linked to a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
In fact, research shows that quercetin, not caffeine, is the primary compound in coffee that’s responsible for its potential protective effects against this illness .
Though these findings are promising, more research in humans is needed.

  • May reduce blood pressure

High blood pressure affects 1 in 3 American adults. It raises your risk of heart disease — the leading cause of death in the United States (24).
Research suggests that quercetin may help reduce blood pressure levels. In test-tube studies, the compound appeared to have a relaxing effect on blood vessels .
When mice with high blood pressure were given quercetin daily for 5 weeks, their systolic and diastolic blood pressure values (the upper and lower numbers) decreased by an average of 18% and 23%, respectively .
Similarly, a review of 9 human studies in 580 people found that taking more than 500 mg of quercetin in supplement form daily reduced systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average of 5.8 mm Hg and 2.6 mm Hg, respectively .
Although these findings are promising, more human studies are needed to determine whether the compound could be an alternative therapy for high blood pressure levels.