Supply OEM pure shilajit resin

What is Shilajit?


Shilajit is a thick, exuding, blackish brown-coloured substance found in the high mountain ranges of Asia.

It has been discovered that Shilajit contains more than 85 minerals, including humic and fulvic acids. So, it has long been utilized in Ayurvedic treatment.

Moreover, Shilajit is one such herbo-mineral or Rasaoushadhi, which is frequently referred to as the “Warrior of Strength” by Ayurvedic practitioners.

Shilajit, or Asphaltum or Black Bitumen (known in English), is blessed with potent adaptogenic and aphrodisiac properties.

Know Shilajit’s Chemical Composition

The structure of this essential mineral compound is strongly dependent on the type of plant species involved, the rock’s geological composition, and the local temperature, height, and humidity.

The typical composition of Shilajit is 60–80% organic matter, 20–40% mineral matter, and 5% trace elements.

It contains roughly 80 bio-active components, including fatty acids, benzoic acid, hippuric acid, resin, waxy compounds, albuminoids, gums, and vegetable matter.

Shilajit, a phyto-complex compound, mostly comprises humus components, including humic acids and fulvic acid (60–80%).

Triterpenes, sterols, ichthyol, ellagic acid, resin, aromatic carboxylic acids, 3, 4-benzocoumarin, amino acids, phenolic lipids, and minerals such as silica, iron, antimony, lithium, manganese, calcium, copper, molybdenum, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, and selenium are also present in it.

Top 7 Fantastic Health Benefits of Shilajit Resin

  • Controls Diabetes Level

Shilajit’s exceptional hypoglycaemic properties are particularly effective at regulating blood glucose and lipid profiles in diabetes patients when combined with diabetes drugs.

Taking shilajit formulations activates the pancreatic beta-cells’ ability to produce insulin.

It also reduces starch conversion into glucose, which causes low blood glucose levels.

  • Enhances Cognitive Abilities

Traditional medicine uses Shilajit Resin to improve brain function.

Dibenzo-alpha-pyrones are bioactive small molecules that stop the degradation of memory-related brain chemicals, improving a person’s memory, attention, concentration, tranquility, and alertness.

Shilajit pills or other formulations, which act as a brain tonic and stimulant and are used to treat Alzheimer’s disease and other psychotic illnesses, result in better memory, reasoning, problem-solving, and other cognitive functions in users.

  • Defends Against Stomach Issues

Shilajit has potent anti-inflammatory and purgative properties, which aid in the suppression of the harmful bacterium Helicobacter pylori in the gut.

It efficiently avoids constipation and piles due to its potent laxative properties and peristaltic effects, which soften the stool and promote its easy passage through the body.

Moreover, it avoids symptoms such as colic, abdominal discomfort, abdominal distension, intestinal gas, and flatulence by preventing the fluid in the colon from drying out.

  • Get Rid of Stress And Anxiety

Shilajit, a potent adaptogen, is useful for treating many psychotic conditions like depression, dementia, etc.

It balances the Vata and Pitta doshas in the body, which controls serotonin levels and lessens a variety of anxiety symptoms like agitation, restlessness, and cold hands and feet, among others.

The herb’s strong antidepressant effects also aid in increasing energy and endurance, lowering all types of mental and physical stress, and calming the mind.

  • Improves Cardiac Performance

The best mineral-herb combination that has been discovered to be beneficial for the heart is Shilajit.

It is vital in the treatment of a variety of cardiac conditions since it is rich in antioxidants and has cardio-protective qualities.

It calms the mind while relaxing the heart, which is quite helpful for people experiencing heart diseases like palpitations and arrhythmias.

The risk of atherosclerosis, heart block, heart attacks, blood clots, and other conditions can be decreased by strengthening the heart muscles, lowering blood cholesterol levels, and preventing lipid accumulation.

  • Inflammation and Pain Therapies

Shilajit is the best option for relieving pain and inflammation brought on by arthritic conditions because of the plethora of anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic capabilities present in it.

In addition, it works as a wonder herb for rheumatoid arthritis, also known as amavata in Ayurveda. Ama buildup in the joints and vitiation of the Vata doshas are the two main causes of amavata.

The bioactive ingredients in Shilajit include anti-inflammatory and anti-ulcer qualities that are extremely important for treating several forms of ulcers, including ulcerative colitis, peptic ulcers, canker sores, mouth ulcers, etc.

Additionally, it encourages tissue regeneration, which facilitates the healing of wounds.

  • Improves Testosterone Levels and Fertility Rate

Shilajit provides a traditional one-shot treatment for increasing libido and enhancing male fertility.

It exhibits potent aphrodisiac qualities that boost testosterone production, which boosts libido and fertility while also assisting in lowering mental tension and anxiety.

It is essential for improving male vigor and stamina.

Before going to bed, taking milk and purified shilajit capsules has been shown to boost genital blood flow, which in turn improves the synthesis of testosterone and luteinizing hormone, which in turn improves the motility and quality of male sperm.

How Can Shilajit Be Purified?

Shilajit is a crucial mineral in Ayurveda, but it can only be utilized after a comprehensive purifying process that involves a number of herbal tinctures and other substances.

The medicinal and curative benefits of the mineral are diminished and the mineral becomes inappropriate for human ingestion when contaminants su

How Can Shilajit Be Purified?

Shilajit is a crucial mineral in Ayurveda, but it can only be utilized after a comprehensive purifying process that involves a number of herbal tinctures and other substances.

The medicinal and curative benefits of the mineral are diminished and the mineral becomes inappropriate for human ingestion when contaminants such as soil, filth, etc. are present.

The purification procedure improves the product’s therapeutic efficiency in addition to removing contaminants and germs that may be present in the mineral.

Shilajit can be cleaned in a number of ways, such as with cow’s ghee or dashamoolarishta, although triphala decoction is the most widely used standardized approach.

Shilajit can be cleaned in a number of ways, such as with cow’s ghee or dashamoolarishta, although triphala decoction is the most widely used standardized approach.